Monday, June 9, 2008

So Lame!

The ex-stepfather of Paramore lead singer Hayley Williams is a big ol' douchebag.

The creep is selling personal items of Williams' on eBay.

Hayley took to her blog to write about it!

She says:

"ebay revenge.
so… i've decided to do this. it was only half thought out but i'm doin it anyways.

i saw that post someone made about the "handwritten book" on ebay. yes, it's mine. hahah. i don't remember being a sad child but i definitely loved horror films at a really young age. i guess that was reflected in this particular assignment. anyway, that's not exactly what i'm posting about. i'm actually posting about the seller of this item. it happens to be my ex-stepfather. who is… well… insane, hence the reason he is my EX-stepfather. so, while i can laugh at the fact that a bit of my past has surfaced, i have to admit i felt like throwin shit when i saw the username. to be honest, i'd love to post his full name. where he works. possibly a phone number??? then all of you could show him what it feels like when your personal life is out there for everyone to put their hands on. fortunately for him… living with him for 7 years wasn't quite enough to make me turn out just like him… or was it?
don't buy it. i'm gonna buy it. hahaha.


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